Monday, May 23, 2005

Another job interview and quitting my current job :D

Today I went to do tests at P&G, but I really don’t know if I was lucky, they were more difficult than the ones I did last Friday at Galp. But hope is the last thing to die ;)

As doing these tests meant getting to my job only at 3 pm and I was really sick and tired of missing half days every time I wanted to go to a job interview and being forced to always invent lies to my boss, I decided to inform him I wanted to quit the internship!

It was the best thing I ever did! I was getting everyday more and more unmotivated to get up and go to a work where I hardly had anything to do, were I would never stay even if my boss wanted and even if the salary was attractive! I only had more 2 months of internship to do but that would mean not going to work more times to go to job interviews and being forced to lie not only to my boss but to my co-worker, which was horrible as she is such a nice girl and has always been honest to me! Lying like this was making me very guilty as it was totally against me ethics!

My father reacted better then I expected, as the main reason why I kept working was because he was making some pressure for me not to quit as the salary was quite good. Otherwise, oh boy, I would have quit a long time ago! Money isn’t everything in live, job satisfaction is the most important factor for me and having hardly anything to do, starting to feel completely stagnated and with the sense you are not learning anything and you won’t ever learn much in that place… Then being in a place where your boss talks about loads of projects and how he intends to expand and so on… But then seeing the months pass by (nearly 8 months) and nothing has changed due to lack of decision taking of your boss, working nearly 7 months sharing a computer with your co-worker starts to get on your nerves and throw you down!

So I was really glad when I told my boss I wanted to quit was to most freeing thing I’ve done in the last months and I came all the way back home with a smile on my face!!!

So know here I’m once again unemployed, about 1800 euros poorer but happy :)

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