d30 Dez 16 Inabar Rio Maior
A imagem está muito escura tenho que a editar mas acho que de som está bom, por isso oiçam o que perderam num dos melhores concertos que a nossa aldeola já alguma vez viu (sendo que a banda fez bis nesse feito)!!!
Whatever... Nevermind...
A imagem está muito escura tenho que a editar mas acho que de som está bom, por isso oiçam o que perderam num dos melhores concertos que a nossa aldeola já alguma vez viu (sendo que a banda fez bis nesse feito)!!!
5:04 PM
A não perder no Inabar em Rio Maior pelas 23h, vai ser uma noite sempre a abrir e fica desde já umas fotos como promessa!!!
4:36 PM
If you click the title you will be able to read an article about Pinochet and Chile.
As much as I wanted sometimes it's impossible not to speak, my blood boiled when I heard that this monster was buried with military honours! If I was the victims and their heirs I would also be outraged, he was buried as a hero when he was responsible for the death of hundreds, the torture and destruction of thousands of lives!
Then seeing I don’t know how many bishops making the funeral to a man who deserves to rot in hell, who never regretted the crimes he committed! How can a church defend a burial of a monster and refuse to accept gay marriages, the use of contraceptives, baptize children from divorced couples, marry divorced couples and so much other nonsense but accept that who has committed hideous crimes may be buried as a good catholic… How can they possibly try to convince to lay a foot at mass with so much hypocrisy?
1:55 PM
Today I did for the first time something I've never done before: I didn't buy a ticket for a concert and waited until the last day to do so, so sure I was it wouldn't sell out. Unfortunately it has and that may mean I've lost one of the best concerts of the year.
But when about one year and some weeks ago I went and see Devendra and he didn't sell out, how in earth was I to guess that a nearly as perfect stanger to Portuguese was going to sell out...
Never again, I suppose that I soon as Nine Inch Nails startes to sell I'll have to run to buy a ticket...
Perhaps one of the best concerts of the year and I'm going to miss it and on top of all I may be forcing someone to go alone...
2:29 PM
One of my favourite songs of Beck's new album and it's really one of the best albums of the year!!!
"I really think I better get a hold of myself
Don't wanna let the night get ahead of myself
Whisperin' her love through a smoke ring smile
She doesn't know what happens when she's around
I think I'm in love
But it makes me kinda nervous to say so
I think I'm in love
But it makes me kinda nervous to say so
Probably lay my head on a wooden floor
Tell her I was tired from working the store
Counting all the cash from an old shoebox
Saving up to buy her something she wants
I think I'm in love
But it makes me kinda nervous to say so
I think I'm in love
But it makes me kinda nervous to say so
What if it's wrong?
What if it's wrong
To pray in vain?
What does it mean
To fake your death?
To wake up tainted?
Take a little picture in a photobooth
Keep it in a locket and I think of you
Both of our pictures, face to face
Take off your necklace and throw it away
I think I'm in love
But it makes me kinda nervous to say so
I think I'm in love
But it makes me kinda nervous to say so
Really think I better get a hold of myself
Don't wanna let the night get ahead of myself
Whisperin' her love through a smoke ring smile
She doesn't know what happens when she's around
I think I'm in love
Think I'm in love
Think I'm in love
Think I'm in love
Think I'm in love
Think I'm in love
Think I'm in love
Think I'm in love"
4:24 PM
Sounds much better than another punkrocker playing out there although that one also has some good lyrics...
Mr. Iggy Pop, when he is going to gather with his old band, it seems that he cannot stop ;) I haven't heard the rest of the album, so I don't know if it's so interesting as this song...
See me drivin down the street,
I'm bored with looking good.
I got both hands off the wheel,
The cops are coming.
I'm listening to the music with no fear,
You can hear it too if your sincere...
Coz I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Well I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Coz I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Well I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
I see you stagger in the street,
And you cant stay on your feet.
And your faking in your sleep,
You wish that you were deep.
You can't hear me laughing to myself,
If you could you would be someone else.
Coz I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Well I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Coz I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Well I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
See me die on bleaker street,
I'm bored with being god,
See me sneering in my car,
I'm driving to my star.
I'm listening to the music with no fear,
You can hear it too if your sincere...
Coz I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Well I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Coz I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Well I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Coz I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
Well I'm a punk rocker yes I am.
If you click the title you can go to their myspace page and hear the song
5:22 PM
Desisisti de tentar colocar o video por isso cliquem no título e vejam o que se chama de rock n' roll a sério ;)
Depois de quase 7 anos depois da primeira vez que olhei pelo vidro do Zé dos Bois finalmente passei para o outro lado e foi fabuloso, apesar do calor!
Por um ambiente intimista daqueles, mesmo em frente da banda a ouvir aquela bateria e guitarras ;) Venha daí mais e espero ficar surda só depois de morrer ;)
7:06 PM
"Três milhões de meninas são excisadas a cada ano. Na chamada África Negra, mas também na Indonésia, no Egipto e até na Europa. Há entre 130 e 150 milhões de mulheres no mundo a quem o clitóris foi cortado e esta senegalesa muçulmana a viver na Bélgica é uma delas. Em Lisboa para promover o seu livro e participar num seminário, fala deste crime e de como combatê-lo.Conta no seu livro como foi excisada, aos sete anos, "de surpresa": o clitóris "serrado" a sangue frio com uma lâmina velha enquanto três mulheres a seguravam, a dor, o sangue, o silêncio dos adultos.
Quando é que alguém lhe explicou o que tinha acontecido e porquê?
Nunca. Ninguém me explicou porque, suponho, quem faz isso também não sabe porque o faz. E eu também não fiz perguntas. Mas quando começamos a investigar, quando se lê sobre isso e se fala com os "velhos", temos várias respostas: faz-se para que a rapariga possa chegar virgem ao casamento, para que a mulher seja fiel ao marido; outros dizem que é preciso tirar "aquilo" porque se o marido lhe tocar morre, ou então é o bebé ao nascer que pode morrer... A maioria dir-lhe-á que é feito para agradar ao marido. Em nome da honra e dignidade do homem. Para que a mulher não seja demasiado gulosa por sexo...
A origem da prática está identificada? É costume associá-la ao islamismo e a África.
Sabe-se que já no tempo dos faraós se fazia a infibulação, que é a forma de excisão mais brutal, em que se corta tudo e se cose a vagina à mulher - foram encontradas múmias assim. Aliás no Egipto, ainda hoje, 97% das mulheres são excisadas. Em África faz-se no Iémen, no Djbuti, na Eritreia, na Somália. Mas faz-se também na Indonésia e no Curdistão iraquiano - não é uma prática só africana. E não é feita só pelos muçulmanos. Também os cristãos e os animistas a praticam. Não há uma religião específica dos que a fazem nem textos religiosos - não está no Corão nem na Bíblia - a preconizá-la. Mas como as mulheres de um modo geral não sabiam ler, disseram- -lhes que era um preceito religioso, e elas acreditaram que tinha de ser feito. Sobretudo porque foram educadas na ideia de que se não fossem excisadas não casavam, e se não casassem, não existiam. Por isso, a luta contra a excisão passa também por alfabetizar as mulheres. Desde que possam ler e escrever, começam a reflectir.
Mas se alguém acredita num deus que teria feito tudo o que existe, e portanto as mulheres tal como nascem, como defender que teria criado todas as mulheres "com defeito"?
Claro: se Deus fez as mulheres com clitóris, é porque acha que faz falta. É por isso que digo aos homens: "São vocês que instigam isto; é uma ideia vossa". É como o cinto de castidade que foi inventado na Europa, como quando os médicos europeus queimavam o clitóris das raparigas para, supostamente, lhes curar a histeria. O propósito é o mesmo: controlar a sexualidade da mulher. Vem do medo que os homens têm das mulheres .
Quando é que começou a questionar-se sobre isso?
Já adulta. Bastante tempo depois de ir viver para França.
Escreve que as relações sexuais eram penosas e dolorosas com o seu primeiro marido. É possível ter prazer sendo excisada?
Em todo o lado - talvez à excepção da Europa actual - espera-se que o homem tenha prazer no sexo, mas a mulher não, e menos ainda quando casada contra vontade, como no meu caso. Eu nem sequer participava no acto. Quanto à dor, depende da forma como se foi excisada. Umas mulheres têm-na, outras não. Mas mesmo sem clitóris é possível ter prazer sexual - depende do parceiro. E hoje em dia há médicos que reconstroem o clitóris. Resulta em alguns casos.
Fala também de problemas no parto devido à mutilação.
Aquela zona está cicatrizada, perdeu a elasticidade, o que implica que as mulheres fiquem todas rasgadas e tenham dores horríveis. Mas nos primeiros partos eu não sabia que isso se devia à excisão, ninguém me disse "você foi mutilada e vai ter este e aquele problema". Nenhum dos médicos que me seguiu mencionou sequer o assunto. Isto em França! Tinha 15 anos quando dei à luz pela primeira vez e a médica que me viu não me fez uma única observação sobre a cicatriz que viu no lugar do clitóris. Só depois da morte de três meninas, em França, nos anos 80, é que isso começou a mudar. A mais mediatizada foi a de uma bebé do Mali, de três meses, em 1982. Na sequência disso começou a haver formação nessa área entre os médicos e o pessoal da assistência social.
Três das suas filhas foram excisadas em França, nos anos setenta, por uma amiga sua, que nem sequer lhe pediu permissão. Mas escreve que se ela tivesse perguntado, teria assentido...
Nessa época, o meu espírito não estava preparado para criticar, ou mesmo para questionar a prática. Nunca me tinha perguntado se estava bem ou mal. Era normal e era preciso fazê-lo. Foi muito mais tarde, quando comecei a envolver-me, como intérprete, na luta contra a violência sobre as mulheres que conheci, nos hospitais, uma associação que combate a excisão e da qual fazem parte muitas médicas, que me explicaram as consequências nefastas da excisão. Como vê, hoje, a atitude dos médicos que se calaram?É o relativismo cultural, aquela ideia "É a cultura deles, não temos nada a ver com isso". Mas há cultura e cultura! A mutilação sexual feminina tem de ser vista no contexto dos direitos humanos. E aí não há cores nem culturas. Não se pode fazer discriminação em termos de direitos humanos, dizer que são só para alguns. Mas são também as comunidades imigrantes que dizem: "vivemos aqui mas não queremos ser como vocês, não queremos adoptar os vossos valores". E aí há um conflito, como no caso da interdição do véu muçulmano nas escolas públicas francesas. Eu sou muçulmana e não uso véu. No meu país não se usa. E acho que se deve respeitar o direito da escola. Se são essas as regras da escola laica, se eu a frequento devo respeitá-las. Tal como, se estou num país, tenho de respeitar os seus valores, adaptar-me. Claro que há conflitos. Mas penso que nos países em que os imigrantes não vivem todos ao molho, em gueto, as coisas funcionam melhor.
Que devem os países europeus fazer?
Não é essencial fazer leis específicas contra a excisão: creio que em nenhum lugar da Europa é permitido mutilar qualquer parte do corpo. O que é preciso é ter atenção a essa realidade. Por exemplo, em França, todas as crianças dos zero aos seis anos são examinadas, incluindo o sexo, nas consultas pediátricas, e tudo é anotado na ficha respectiva. E explica-se à família tudo o que há a explicar sobre a excisão em termos de saúde, sublinhando que é uma prática interdita, ilegal, e que se a criança aparecer excisada o médico será obrigado a comunicar o facto ao ministério público. Em França há mais de 30 processos por esse motivo. E na Suécia houve um processo contra um pai que fez excisar a filha de 13 anos na Somália. "
6:34 PM
Just click on the post's title!!! Make our generation worthwhile to remember, act now!!! As an African I cannot just sit down and watch innocent people being killed nor allow Sudan's government to finish it's hedious job!!!
5:13 PM
What have you told us at all?
Make a sound, come down off the wall.
Religion, should appeal to the hearts of the young.
Who are you? what have you become?
You animal.
Come on.
What does this remind you of?
Truly we have become.
Hated and feared for something we don't want.
Most of us believe that this is wrong.
You animal.
Come on.
What does this remind you of?
Come on.
What does this remind you of?
Come on
3:03 PM
"Para que não restem quaisquer dúvidas e perante algumas críticas que recebemos, a responsabilidade do título de capa "Abominável Universidade Nova" (que remete para o artigo no interior com o título "Admirável Universidade Nova", este sim assinado por Maria de Fátima Bonifácio) é inteiramente minha, como director da Atlântico.Como me parecia óbvio, o adjectivo "abominável" deveria ser lido com ironia, não pretendendo pôr de modo algum em causa a importância da Universidade enquanto instituição e dos professores universitários em geral, não se referindo também a qualquer universidade em especial. Muito obrigado."
Depois de um título destes e depois de ler este post do editor de tão prezada revista (também sei ser irónica meu senhor), decidi dispender 4 euros para a comprar, ler o dito artigo e poder criticar este senhor pela escolha do título. Pois se o senhor editor afirma que o título não se refere a nenhuma Universidade em especial, então É O EDITOR MAIS IGNORANTE a nível nacional!!! Eu sou a primeira a criticar o ensino nacional, a primeira a criticar as universidades em geral, não só as nacionais, mas também as internacionais que na maioria dos casos estão alienadas do mundo de trabalho, estão obcecadas com a teoria e esquecem-se de que a realidade é demasiado complexa para encaixar na perfeição nos pressupostos teóricos. Em consequência os alunos que completam estudos universitários entram no mercado de trabalho sem conhecimentos práticos, sem capacidade de trabalharem imediatamente nas funções para que supostamente foram formados e no país, infelizmente, muitos dos empregadores acham que o facto de se ter formação superior significa que já sabem fazer tudo, na minha área, por exemplo, gerir uma empresa ou elaborar um projecto de investimento para uma candidatura a quaisquer fundos comunitários ou um empréstimo bancário. Muitas das vezes os universitários são puramente lançados aos "tubarões", sem a adequada formação prática que, uma vez que não foi administrada pelas universidades, a empresa deveria fornecer.
Sim o sistema está incorrecto e merece estas e muitas outras críticas. Mas se o artigo não se refere a nenhuma universidade em particular, então este SENHOR EDITOR É DO MAIS IGNORANTE POSSÍVEL E DO MAIS INCOMPETENTE OU TEM UMA AGENDA POR DETRÁS, pois para sua informação existe uma universidade em Portugal que por acaso se chama Universidade Nova de Lisboa, universidade que tive o prazer de frequentar e que pelo menos no curso de Gestão que frequentei é a melhor do país, é certo com as limitações nacionais, mas a Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Nova tem feito esforços contínuos de investimento em investigação na área (tendo alguns dos seus paper vencido prémios internacionais), de recrutamento de professores competentes nas suas áreas de especialização e muitos com experiência profissional a nível empresarial, ou seja não são apenas académicos. É certo que nem todos primam pela excelência mas a concorrência internacional por professores é extrema e o país em si um pouco limitado. Apesar disso tive alguns professores excelentes e penso que extremamente competentes, alguns que me marcaram para a vida, em termos profissionais.
O certo é que quem vir esta revista nas bancas e devido ao seu preço, 4 euros, simplesmente ficara pelo título da capa e pensará imediatamente na Universidade Nova de Lisboa (muitas vezes apenas chamada de Universidade Nova) e pensará que a Universidade Nova de Lisboa está a formar ignorantes, ficando de fora todas as outras universidades nacionais. Ora isto é difamação pura e simples, é uma ofensa aos meus pais que fizeram imensos sacrifícios para que eu e a minhas irmãs pudessem tirar cursos superiores (sendo que a minha irmã mais nova frequenta igualmente a Universidade Nova) e é uma ofensa aos estudantes da Nova e aos que se formaram na Nova. Como em tudo esta Universidade formou alguns ignorantes, mas talvez não tenha formado um tão ignorante como universidade que formou o editor desta revista, que não compreendeu algo do mais básico em termos de marketing, que um título daqueles não remete às universidades em geral, mas a uma universidade em especial, que poderá ter ficado com a sua imagem prejudicada pela irresponsabilidade e incompetência dum pseudo intelectual. A Universidade Nova, não é uma Católica que pode dispender as quantidades que quiser em marketing para atrair os melhores alunos do país, é uma universidade pública, que apesar de o ser tem tentado oferecer as melhores condições aos seus alunos e pelo menos nas faculdades de Economia, Direito, ISEGI e FCT tem o conseguido, que não vai poder gastar rios de dinheiro para limpar a sua imagem devido à incompetência de um editor de uma revista para poder salvaguardar não só os alunos que agora a frequentam como os que se formaram na instituição e para não perder a capacidade de atrair os melhores alunos do país.
A questão será, será que o senhor editor é apenas ignorante e incompetente ou que tem uma agenda dissimulada, porque isto é um assunto que move vários interesses e muito dinheiro sobretudo para certas instituições privadas.
9:42 AM
So here I'm listening to this on my Ipod and it's just absolutely contagious, in the good sense ;)
Apple Blossom
hey little apple blossom
what seems to be the problem
all the ones you tell your troubles to
they don't really care for you
come and tell me what you're thinking
cause just when the boat is sinking
a little light is blinking
and I will come and rescue you
lots of girls walk around in tears
but that's not for you
you've been looking all around for years
for someone to tell your troubles to
come and sit with me and talk awhile
let me see your pretty little smile
put your troubles in a little pile
and I will sort them out for you
I'll fall in love with you
I think I'll marry you
6:39 PM
Rock n’ Roll, British, Glam, Sexy,
8:36 PM
Before going to Lisboa Soundz I read an interview with these guys in which they said they made music for girls because they thought there were enough bands with aggressive music for guys, which was rather weird when I actually saw them on stage. They are not “take you breath away” or “leave you with out speech”, but they are more brutal than Dirty Pretty Things and I doubt there are more girls liking they’re music than guys ;)
8:03 PM
A concert with little people watching, although they were arriving slowly, but they just sat down on the floor under the shade and quite far from the stage. At least there where some Brazilians all enthusiastic, one even with the Brazilian flag around his shoulders and they sang along the entire concert. I had heard part of their interview on the radio and they seemed a rather interesting band to watch and get to know as I only had heard the above song. They gave a very good concert, with a wide mixture of different Brazilian music types, so I can’t really categorize them. But I enjoyed them and any musician that is able to play with a football’ ball and play the guitar at the same time is a musician worth listening at least once ;) Some good rock n’ roll and up-lifting music and a treat after Isobel Campbell ;)
7:48 PM
Here I’m sorry but I will have to be really mean as this must have been one of the most pathetic concerts I’ve seen in my life and sincerely it isn’t worth the trouble. Resuming, we had a full grown woman in her thirties acting as a little girl of 5, oh so god dam sweet that any idiot could see straight away it was highly cynical, the type of sweetness some women try to use to manipulate people with their oh I’m so sweet, don’t you think so? Her musicians didn’t smile the whole 30 minutes the concert must have lost and all the times she spoke with them smiling and giggling all so sweetly they didn’t even smile to her and most of the times didn’t even look to her. They played mechanically without any passion; she did back vocals or sang in duets with another vocalist, but mainly only the refrains.
I wonder why the act is called Isobel Campbell if she isn’t the main vocalist, she hardly plays instruments and she even gave us a rather peculiar moment, when we know she has more than a decade of shows on her back… She sat to play her violoncello her band started to play, she ran out of the stage, then returned sat down, her band began to play again but she rumbled through her staves trying to find the right page, then after 3 attempts from her band she finally began to play but then got lost again when she had to turn another page and turned 2 instead…
Basically it was a disaster and what surprised me more was there where actually people applauding and cheering her as if they where enjoying her performance and the little butterfly like runs to the mic to say thanks very low and run away from it straight away, as most of the time she was with her back to the public or singing with her eyes shut. Go figure with Howe there where hardly any enthusiastic applause and even less cheers and with such a pathetic performance…
7:20 PM
Due to some really bad directions from the radio (they must think that everybody knows Lisbon’s downtown) and waiting to find out if I would have some company for the night ahead, I didn’t see the first group (some Portuguese band) but was fortunate enough to catch Howie Gelb & The Gospel Choir at the begging of their concert (although I must have missed a couple of songs). It was a great concert with a mix of blues, gospel & country and from the little I’ve found out in the web it seems he is one of the more under-known of American guitarists and songwriters, at least that is what you can read in a Amazon’s comment to one of his albums and the most famous band he belonged to was called Giant Sand. Yet another dinosaur forgotten by the industry…
There were not many people watching the concert, must were still in beaches or whatever and most were people who were there just to see Strokes, specifically the type of kids who only enjoy a band as long as it’s considered cool and hip to like them, the ones that cannot enjoy any type of music unless somebody (their urban tribe or the industry) tells them it’s cool to enjoy them…
6:40 PM
As the only video I found from Lisbon's concert has really bad quality, here goes one of the songs they played and, at least for me, one of the highs of the concert!
Some how I found the concert 4 years ago in Sudoeste more magical, this one was a great concert, no mistake, but discovering them 4 years ago as the last playing band at about 4 AM with hardly anybody seeing them hit me harder. It's funny how 4 years ago I saw them with the exact same fantastic company, altough this time there were more viewers/listeners ;)
8:54 PM
Dia 15
01.00h Morrissey
23.10h Fischerspooner
21.40h Broken Social Scene
20.20h Madrugada
19.00h Gomez
18.00h White Rose Movement
Dia 16
01.10h Bloc Party
23.30h Yeah Yeah Yeahs
22.10h Gang Of Four
21.00h Eagles of Death Metal
19.55h We Are Scientists
18.55h Members of The Public
18.00h Nigthmare of You
Dia 17
00.50h Bauhaus
23.05h The Cramps
21.15h (chk chk chk)
20.30h Maduros
18.00h Shout Out Louds
+ bandas por confirmar
Ya, as I only have one week of holidays I think I will be more tired than I went, but I believe it will be well worth it, I just don't agree with the choice of putting Bloc Party as the head of the 3rd day, I just hope The Yeah Yeah Yeahs will play until we're dead!!!
7:43 PM
So today I'll put her flag on again to see if luck comes to us once again and the Froggies go home humilliated ;)
5:20 PM
BBC - Radio 1 - Sonar 2002 - John Peel's Video Diaries
To remember one of the most important men in Radio, one I at least didn't have the pleasure to hear, but due to new techologies we can hear at least the live performances at his program, unfortunatly I would love to be able to hear some of his interviews.
12:00 AM
Bill and Melinda's $60 Billion Challenge
There have always been loads of critics against Bill Gates, mainly from fundametalists and computer nerds. He built a company upon the dream that everybody could have a PC and easily use it. Windows and Office may have lots of faults (finally Italy scores, it has been a rather boring game and I really hope tomorrow we will win and face them, cause if they play has well as they did today it won't be that hard ;), but the truth is that nearlly everybody can use a computer (bloody hell only now these Italians wake up) and what they produce is compatible with nearlly all the other PC a person may need to use and this without any need to be a computer nerd, know programming or to depend mostly on a keyboard. Maybe a decade from now a company will be able to deliver such user-friendly programms, then Microsoft will face real competition.
But my post isn't about Microsoft, it's about Bill Gates decision to work part-time at Microsoft and full-time in his Foundation, besides the fact that he has already given more than a third of his fortune to this Foundation, making it the biggest in the world. Many may critizice that he should increase his scope on charitable causes, that he should not focus only on the erradication of poverty and on USA's poor's education or that he only donates to the projects he chooses to. This week The Economist has a great article on this subject, which highly complements BusinessWeek's one. In The Economist its stated that, already with this week's donation, the Foundation only has about $1 for each person living in poverty in under-developed countries. So I agree with The Economist, Bill Gates by focusing on two big causes is acting the right way, because only with that focus he can have a true impact in the causes he defends.
If you scatter your donations, they will be to small to make a difference, an impact in the lifes of those you aim to help. Then there is another thing just as important as focusing in a few causes, making the projects/organizations you donate money to accountable, not because you want to make a profit but to maximize your donation and the potential impact it can achieve. We cannot keep on thinking that a humanitarian organization/project will always to their best and will always be honest, firstly they need to work in a more business like manner in terms of maximizing costs effectiveness, because every $1 saved is a $1 you can employ in what really matters. Yes they need to be accountable to minimize waste and so that the donor is sure his money is not used in other stuff then what he aimed for.
The main reason I say this is because, at least in Portugal, there are lots of "humanitarian" organizations that give their Presidents, Founders and other members high in the ladder perks, which in Portugal's case sometimes are higher than some given to for-profit organizations' managers. In the end there are some less honest people who take advantage of the fact that the organization they manage is not accountable and that most donors don't demand that accountability and the results achieved by the projects to which they gave their money.
I believe a man who built one of the most powerfull organizations from scratch, who became the richest person in the world may be just the most fit person to run the biggest Foundation in our world and make an impact, especialy in a cause that is also my dearest: the development of under-developed countries and the erradication of poverty.
11:10 PM
Thanks for the jewels:
For those of you who have never used YouTube or have a slow connection just leave the whole clip play once with all its bumps and then see the whole clip from the start this time without bumps...
10:51 PM
Here goes the reedition of the lyrics and now you can see just way it's a fantastic song!
"Life is tough and love is rough
For the man who just can’t ever seem to get enough
The days go by and the women come and go
So many that you decide to get rid of your front door
So you don’t have to hear them all disappear
You just sit and you wait
Staring at your empty plate
And you can say I’m a lonely sailor
Rockin’ gently on my dreams
‘Cause I can have it all, but I don’t want it all
And it ain’t like I’ve never ever ever tried
I've just never been fully satisfied
But just a tie a little shoelace
And to share a sleeping bag
And I look ahead to the days
When I can look back at all the fun that I’ve had
But still, but still, but still..
I see so many little boys I wanna marry
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have
Even when the moon goes out
Even when the sea dried out
I still see so many little boys I wanna marry
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have now
Even when the sea’s all freeze
And everything’s lying underneath
Even when the sun ceases to shine
I won’t care, I’ll still have on my mind
So many little boys I wanna marry yeah yeah
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have
And in the shower I get my dreaming done
I hold my breath and I wait for the day to come
Oh little Billy, little Timmy, little Jimmy, you’re the one
I may not look it, but I swear my heart is young for so many..
Little boys I wanna marry
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have you know you know
I've got many little boys I wanna marry, yeah you know
I've got many little kids I've yet to have
Oh oh, Yeah yeah
Little boys I wanna marry, yeah you know
I've got plenty little kids I've yet to have now, yeah you know
I've got so many, so many little boys I wanna marry now, marry now
So many..."
10:50 PM
All the Invisible Children
A good example of what Hollywood can achieve if it wants, as hard as it may be to watch I think people have become to numb and are really needing a reality check, at least to see if all the violence and evil they are bombed with daily hasn't taken their humanity and maybe try to do something to help...
The Devil and Daniel Johnston
He had times where he was more lucid than any of us, when you listen to his music or read his lyrics you can almost feel and taste life and love in it's true essence or at least the way I believe their true essence is/should be...
6:33 PM
" Depp, 43, is almost pathologically unpredictable. He can be bizarre, hilarious, unsettling—even annoying. But he is never the same. He's the anti-Tom Cruise."
"Time slows down when you're with Johnny Depp. He seems like a man who has never rushed to, or from, anywhere in his life. He is chronically late for interviews—sometimes four or five hours, sometimes days—but this time around just a gentlemanly 50 minutes. And once he's with you, he never seems in a hurry to leave. His voice is a soft, low mumble. His body is in almost constant motion—rolling those cigarettes, rubbing an elbow, reaching for a glass—but the rhythm is tranquil and fluid, like a cat licking its paw." (How I would love to be that paw...) "He's a calm, almost hypnotic presence. "He's always been true to who he is," says director Tim Burton, who has made five films with Depp, including last year's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." "He's never been ruled by money, or by what people think he should or shouldn't do. Maybe it's just in America, but it seems that if you're passionate about something, it freaks people out. You're considered bizarre or eccentric. To me, it just means you know who you are."
You can read the rest if you click on the title...
It's weird how the last time 2 times I went to the movies it was to see Charlie's Chocolate Factory and the Corpse Bride and now definetly Pirates 2... Do you see anything in common? Besides being masterpices? One clue it's not Orlando "Unsalty" Bloom nor Pirates's Director ;) Ever since Edward Scissorhands...
6:08 PM
A good friend of mine meantioned this music when I told her that there has been many fans posting in Paredes de Coura festival's forum requesting Radiohead's presence at the festival as they are on tour about that time in Europe. So here goes a great song, with fantastic lyrics... Love can achive all, forgive all, pardon all and even betray oneself's beliefs...
I'll drown my beliefs
To have your babies
I'll dress like your niece
And wash your swollen feet
Just don't leave
Don't leave
I'm not living
I'm just killing time
Your tiny hands
Your crazy kitten smile
Just, don't leave
Don't leave
And true love waits
In haunted attics
And true love lives
On lollipops and crisps
Just don't leave, don't leave..
Don't leave.. don't leave
12:03 AM
1 comentários
Another great night, Franz Ferdinand are getting better and better live, and it was good to see finally The Legendary Tiger Man and Linda Martini, although there were some sound problems and too little time for the 2 Portuguese bands... But that is something I want to write in Portuguese, perhaps it will reach Mr. Covões. Anyway, I highly recommend FF and Tiger Man, as Linda Martini I still haven't heard their album and 20 minutes hardly show what a band is capable of. The night was fantastic, I finally heard "this town is out of control, burn this city!" live and Alex was just amazing on stage.
Linda Martini were ok and Legendary had some sound problems on his first 2 songs but as I was right in front, no problem, the only pity was that it was sooooooo short and he smashed a perfectly good electric guitar, I still think he aimed it to the public but he didn't throw it with enough strenght, otherwise it doesnt make sense why throw a guitar with so little strenght if he intended to smash it in rock n' roll style he would have done it with more strenght and I imagine that he would have done it after a great solo riff and against the stage floor... Anyway lots of people were offended by his attitude as they thought it was his way to say hell to the organization and even hell to his fans, I can only say they don't know Paulo Furtado, not the true person but his stage personalities, they haven't seen has much Wraygunn concerts has I have ;)
So here goes the Portuguese part...
Já tenho ido a muitos Super Bock Super Rocks, desde os primeiros quando ainda se faziam em várias salas, vários dias e sobretudo no Coliseu, fui ao primeiro SBSR no Parque Tejo e foi aí que se começou com esta ideia de ter as bandas portuguesas nos intervalos do palco principal. O principio até é bom, apesar de que se o pessoal curtir a maioria das bandas do palco dos portugueses e do palco principal, mal tem tempo de descansar e fica arrasado para a última banda. Contudo o ano passado e este, as coisas correram mal em termos de organização, na minha opinião, sobretudo este ano.
A música portuguesa está a obter cada vez mais destaque e por muito estranho que possa parecer à Música no Coração há pessoas que escolhem ir a um festival tanto por algumas bandas do palco principal como por algumas bandas do palco dos portugueses e 20 minutos é uma indecência, maior ainda quando há atrasos no palco principal e o palco dos portugueses é que fica prejudicado ainda por cima porque em cada intervalo temos que aturar 10 minutos de anúncios. Eu tenho uma licenciatura em Gestão, eu sei que sem os patrocínios e o marketing todo à volta dos festivais era impossível trazer algumas das bandas que vem.
Mas para mim a solução passava por fazer o SBSR aos fins de semana e mesmo que os portugueses não pudessem tocar 2 horas pelo menos dar-lhes 1 hora, uma hora e meia, pelo menos as 2 últimas bandas do palco dos portugueses e como o festival era aos fins de semana, deixava de haver o problema do pessoal estar à trabalhar, na escola ou na faculdade e deixava igualmente de haver problemas com a hora a que o festival acabasse, os Franz Ferdinand podiam tocar perfeitamente às 2, 2h30 da manhã.
Espero que os assobios antes de Legendary Tiger Man tenham feito soar umas réstias de inteligência na organização do festival e que vejam finalmente que o pessoal não olha para as bandas portuguesas como uma mera passagem de tempo, uma distracçãozinha antes da próxima banda, mas que há bandas portuguesas de excelente qualidade e que também tem público que se sente defraudado com a atitude da organização, sobretudo quando os Keane que nem eram cabeça de cartaz se alongaram demasiado na sua performance, quem são eles a mais do que algumas das nossas bandas? É tempo de começarem a respeitar o trabalho de algumas das nossas bandas e já agora do público que paga o bilhete, porque como qualquer aluno de gestão/economia sabe o mais importante é satisfazer as necessidades do clientes porque senão se as satisfazer e pior ainda desrespeita-los não se obtém lucros, acaba-se por perder os clientes no longo prazo e coloca-se em risco a própria sobrevivência da empresa...
11:19 PM
"If one hears bad music, it is one's duty to drown it by one's conversation."
Por mim toca a fazê-lo no Estribo, que pelo zunzum que andei a ouvir aquilo mudou de aparência, de gerência, mas infelizmente não da péssima e detestável qualidade de som ;) Podiam fazer-nos o favor de que já que tem que passar música potencialmente extremamente prejudicial ao nosso intelectuo de passa-la bem baixinho e o pessoal poder conversar na boa sem estar ao berros é que caso a gerência não tenha reparado aquilo é um bar não uma discoteca ;)
Avante com um movimento nacional anti-Estribos que por aí populam no nosso país ;)
6:11 PM
Gracias por inagurares (?? aí que o espanhol já começa a fazer estragos, qualquer dia escrevo portuguenhol inglesado) o meu blog pela primeira vez ;) Só espero que o meu Daddy não vá para Angola durante o Paredes de Coura, senão mais uma vez vou perder The Yeah Yeah Yeahs e é uma pena que o Sr. Jack White não venha :( Estou a ver que temos que ir a Chigago/NYC numa altura em que apanhemos The White Stripes in town ;)
Entretanto cusquei hoje o site do Beck, se ele vier (e duvido depois do desire do ano passado em que o colocaram no fim do mundo como cabeça de um cartaz no sense e ainda por cima num domingo de madrugada com putos que só curtem o que tá em fashion e não música a sério) só pode ser no Sudoeste, que Paredes de Coura anda ele por terras nórdicas e Países Baixos... Temos que fazer um baixo assinado para um concerto a solo no Coliseu dos Recreios ;)
9:32 AM
It seems this summer will be a great summer in terms of concerts… Just a pity that money, time and work will be hard to juggle!
Let’s see, next month in about a week and a half on the 7th of June, Franz Ferdinand, Editors, dEUS, The Legendary Tiger Man and Linda Martini! Then about one month and a half afterwards, on the 17th of July, Belle and Sebastian and a week afterwards on the 22nd The Strokes and, its rumored, The Raconteurs!
Jack White is definitely a must, it’s not The White Stripes, but perhaps he likes Portugal and comes back, after all it was unthinkable that The Strokes would ever find out there was a country called Portugal that has been waiting for a concert for some years already ;) But I should stop dreaming otherwise I can get disappointed...
Anyway here are some clues for our festivals’ organizers: Wilco, The Morning Jacket, Calexico, Bob Dylan, Iggy Pop, Devendra, and so on (otherwise the list would be too great) and thanks for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs in August (if I had a band it had to be one like The Yeah Yeah Yeahs)!
6:05 PM
1 comentários
Most people just think this is kind of a gay music with a fantastic beat, Devendra introduced this song in November as a song for men and women, I like to think that it's not only because women can also be lonely sailors but above all because of the first paragraph of the music, all those women who come and go, come and go precisely because men don't seem to ever get enough...
"Life is tough and love is rough
For the man who just can’t ever seem to get enough
The days go by and the women come and go
So many that you decide to get rid of your front door
So you don’t have to hear them all disappear
You just sit and you wait
Staring at your empty plate
And you can say I’m a lonely sailor
Rockin’ gently on my dreams
‘Cause I can have it all, but I don’t want it all
And it ain’t like I’ve never ever ever tried
I've just never been fully satisfied
But just a tie a little shoelace
And to share a sleeping bag
And I look ahead to the days
When I can look back at all the fun that I’ve had
But still, but still, but still..
I see so many little boys I wanna marry
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have
Even when the moon goes out
Even when the sea dried out
I still see so many little boys I wanna marry
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have now
Even when the sea’s all freeze
And everything’s lying underneath
Even when the sun ceases to shine
I won’t care, I’ll still have on my mind
So many little boys I wanna marry yeah yeah
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have
And in the shower I get my dreaming done
I hold my breath and I wait for the day to come
Oh little Billy, little Timmy, little Jimmy, you’re the one
I may not look it, but I swear my heart is young for so many..
Little boys I wanna marry
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have you know you know
I've got many little boys I wanna marry, yeah you know
I've got many little kids I've yet to have
Oh oh, Yeah yeah
Little boys I wanna marry, yeah you know
I've got plenty little kids I've yet to have now, yeah you know
I've got so many, so many little boys I wanna marry now, marry now
So many..."
8:01 PM
1 comentários
Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.
Escribir, por ejemplo: «La noche está estrellada,
y tiritan, azules, los astros, a lo lejos».
El viento de la noche gira en el cielo y canta.
Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.
Yo la quise, y a veces ella también me quiso.
En las noches como ésta la tuve entre mis brazos.
La besé tantas veces bajo el cielo infinito.
Ella me quiso, a veces yo también la quería.
Cómo no haber amado sus grandes ojos fijos.
Puedo escribir los versos más tristes esta noche.
Pensar que no la tengo. Sentir que la he perdido.
Oír la noche inmensa, más inmensa sin ella.
Y el verso cae al alma como al pasto el rocío.
Qué importa que mi amor no pudiera guardarla.
La noche está estrellada y ella no está conmigo.
Eso es todo. A lo lejos alguien canta. A lo lejos.
Mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.
Como para acercarla mi mirada la busca.
Mi corazón la busca, y ella no está conmigo.
La misma noche que hace blanquear los mismos árboles.
Nosotros, los de entonces, ya no somos los mismos.
Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero cuánto la quise.
Mi voz buscaba el viento para tocar su oído.
De otro. Será de otro. Como antes de mis besos.
Su voz, su cuerpo claro. Sus ojos infinitos.
Ya no la quiero, es cierto, pero tal vez la quiero.
Es tan corto el amor, y es tan largo el olvido.
Porque en noches como ésta la tuve entre mis brazos,
Mi alma no se contenta con haberla perdido.
Aunque éste sea el último dolor que ella me causa,
y éstos sean los últimos versos que yo le escribo.
7:28 PM
I was reading on the other day about the anti-contraceptive movement of “extremist” Christian organizations, when one part of the article called my attention about condom effectiveness. The other day I had seen a rate of 80% in a Brazilian health webpage but I thought it had been a mistake as in school and health brochures I had always seen a rate of 95%, which in case of AIDS is still too much of a risk. So I did a bit of research and I found some national health government webpages, reports of WHO, and so on.
It seems that they still haven’t done a condom efficacy test that has given valid and conclusive rate. But the most recent tests done on condoms’ reveal that its effectiveness may be as low as 80% (depending of the research) and even lower for other Sexual Transmitted Diseases.
It’s rather interesting to hear all AIDS organizations, health professionals, and so on, speaking of the use of condoms as the only way to prevent STD however they seem always to forget to stress that “there is no such thing as ‘safe sex - only ‘safer’ sex” as the New Zealand government states. Having sex using a condom with a one night stand, a new partner or even an unfaithful partner means that in every 100 times 5 to 20 times of those have the chance to contract AIDS (if the other is infected). “Luckily”, the % of infected people aren’t that high. However I keep on not understanding how people take chances catching a one night stand, for example, infected and that the condom fails. People don’t tend to risk doing or taking something that can mean catching a medium-term terminal disease.
Besides that fact it’s quite worrisome that there are no conclusive proofs of condoms effectiveness in preventing the transmission of STD and as some can make a person infertile (especially women as there are lots of STD in which the man only carries the disease, while the woman gets infected) if not detected or treated in time… I know that becoming infertile or HIV positive would kill my dream of being a mother, my deepest desire (AIDS also as it shortens my life span and I don’t wish to give birth to a child I’ll abandon a few years afterwards). So I suppose it's always better to know with who you are going to bed and still face the possibility that you may not be the only person going to bed with that person ;)
Anyway here are some citations of the sites I found more interesting and if you click the title you will be able to download 2 reports on condom effectiveness. And don't forget that even the highest rate, normally associate to correct usage but failure of the condom such as leaks, slip offs and rips, 95%, means you can still get pregnant and if you can get pregnant you can get infected with a STD.
The most frequently cited condom effectiveness rate is for typical use, which includes perfect and imperfect use (i.e. not used at every act of intercourse, or used incorrectly). The pregnancy rate during typical use can be much higher (10-14%) than for perfect use, but this is due primarily to inconsistent and incorrect use, not to condom failure. Condom failure – the device breaking or slipping off completely during intercourse – is uncommon.
Cochrane Collaboration
'This review indicates that consistent use of condoms results in 80% reduction in HIV incidence. Consistent use is defined as using a condom for all acts of penetrative vaginal intercourse.
Because the studies used in this review did not report on the "correctness" of use, namely whether condoms were used correctly and perfectly for each and every act of intercourse, effectiveness and not efficacy is estimated.
Also, this estimate refers in general to the male condom and not specifically to the latex condom, since studies also tended not to specify the type of condom that was used. Thus, condom effectiveness is similar to, although lower than, that for contraception.'
Bulletin of the World Health Organisation
'The panel strongly cautioned the public against misinterpreting the scanty evidence.
The small number of well designed prospective studies precluded the panel from making judgments about the effectiveness of condoms in preventing other STIs; the reviews stated that the lack of data were not to be construed as evidence either supporting or denying the effectiveness of condoms.'
'Since 2000 important new evidence ...has come to light to support the effectiveness of condoms in preventing STIs in men and women. In no study has the effectiveness been 100%. Nonetheless, even partially effective interventions can have a major impact on controlling the spread of STIs in the population (36). ...Condom promotion represents an important component of comprehensive HIV-prevention and STI-prevention strategies.'
Condoms are sheathes that trap the sperm when a man climaxes ('comes'). Wearing them greatly reduces the chances of pregnancy. They also provide some protection against sexually-transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV. But this protection is far from 100 per cent.
11:21 PM
And tomorrow some studies on condoms effectiveness...
If you can read The Economist of May 6th-12th 2006 "Unstoppable? Iran's nuclear ambitions" once again they defend the same as I, the world must have a united front so that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad doens't think he can get away with it, just as Suddan Hussein thought, due to China, Russia, France and Germany interventions... Maybe it will be the only chance of not occuring a war, as impossible as it may seem with Ahmadinejad's daily verbal threats... It's time for China and Russia to realize they will loose much more if they don't pressure Iran to stop with it's plans to obtain a nuclear bomb (that's if they don't have it already)...
9:43 PM
Normally I defend Greenpeace but this time I must criticize them. As me they have always been against the use of nuclear power and nuclear weapons, Einstein meant it has a cheap way of energy so everybody could have access to energy and develop, unfortunately he didn’t foresee the consequences. I believe he didn’t wish a
Well, last week Greenpeace put online a petition for NATO not to nuke
The problem is once again if we don’t do something one of these days we’ll see another 11th of September, another 11th of March, another 7th of July, and so many others, but this time it will have been a nuclear bomb in Israel, or perhaps in Greece or even Italy, millions of innocent killed just because we think everybody is human and all human nature is kind not evil. We cannot forget the lessons of our past, the 2nd
I have cried due to the beginning of so many wars, but although I’m a pacifist, I’ve reached the conclusion a long time ago, when I started understanding the world around me that not all are trustworthy, not all are kind and good in nature and the world needs to make a stand sometimes to defend innocent, so that less innocent die than otherwise.
I hope China, Russia (if this time France and Germany behave) will agree to sanction Iran, to make pressure, because just has I defended before Iraq’s war, if the international community sticks together and forces Iran to allow the inspections without any obstacles being lifted, a war will be avoided and many innocent lives spared.
I don’t want another war to happen, but I’ll have to be on NATO’s side if it happens and I believe that nuking Iran will be their last resort and only if they are sure that if they don’t do it Iran will nuke another country. I really hope this war won’t happen because I fear if it does we’ll assist to the begging of 3rd World War. The world has been manipulated to hate blindly USA (they have lots of faults but there are not the worst threat to the world), so that sand is thrown in the eyes of the people who are manipulated and they do not see the biggest threats in our world and Iran with a nuclear bomb is one of the most dangerous at this time.
If we look to history we realize most events are consequences of others and that some repeat themselves in a vicious cycle. I believe there will be a 3rd World War if
3:23 PM
5:50 PM
I still haven't heard the new album but from the lyrics and the review it seems it'll be another great album.
Deep Down
When numbers matter more than the heart
Your eyes are hollow and stiffness starts to take control
Capsize the soul, deep down you know it's evil
You've always known
Be a good example show your new tricks
And while you're out there they'll make the pitch
To rally the troops and make a huge contribution
To help push this through
Deep down you know it's evil
You've always known it's evil
The days here are numbered but your record is clean
Outstretched and waiting on banks that seem
To flow and flow, a rich reward to show
Duty carried out in the field
Deep down you know it's evil
You've always known it's evil
You've always known
6:00 PM
This is the reason I'll always oppose nuclear power and I suppose if Einstein was alive he'll would also be... The images are strong, so be prepared or don't click on the link...
Instead of investing in nuclear we should be investing in greener energy, such has hidrogen and not on a energy that has so much propensity to destroy so many lifes, not only because of human or mechanical error but foremost because it's the opening door to nuclear bombs and forgive me but dictators in North Korea and Iran with nuclear bombs is a frightenig thought!
5:45 PM
Já bastante atrasados mas parabéns pelos fantásticos resultados: 1 medalha de ouro, 1 de prata e 3 de bronze! E já agora à Telma Monteiro que subiu no ranking mundial para 1º lugar na categoria dela!
Infelizmente o meu segundo judoca favorito ;) não conseguiu brilhar como merecia, mas eu ainda tenho fé que um destes dias vou vê-lo numa das próximas edições dos olimpicos :)
5:40 PM
Mais uma vez digo que é uma pena que por falta de apoios grandes atletas tenham que abandonar os seus sonhos, sobretudo quando muitas das vezes são eles que trazem mais medalhas e fezem muitos mais sacrificios para as alcançar do que o futebol e na maioria da vezes tem que colocar dinheiro do seu bolso para enaltecer a nobre pátria...
5:37 PM
I no most girls who read this blog have already done it, but here it goes I've found this in a blog (which has pop-ups, so I took the liberty to post a transcript of it) and as there must be still millions of girls you are wondering how it is. For the guys who read this you now can see what we must undergo for much more years then you!
"Not sure what to expect at your first pelvic exam? Are you afraid? Embarrassed? Well, don't be! It's all part of being a woman, and the sooner you get used to the idea of having gynecological exams, the better, because these will be part of your life forever. I hope the following information will be useful and will help you relax as you face your first visit to the gynecologist.
There are no hard and fast rules about when a girl should start seeing a gynecologist, but these are some guidelines:
- You are sexually active, or are planning to become sexually active.
- You're older than 15 or so but still haven't started menstruating.
- You're experiencing lower abdominal pain, excessive bleeding, irregular periods, or unusual discharge.
- You think you might be pregnant.
- You're concerned that you may have been exposed to a sexually transmitted disease.
- You want to get on birth control.
- You've found a lump in your breast
When you're ready, you're going to have to choose a gynecologist. If your mother, sister, friend, etc., has a gynecologist that she trusts and likes, you might consider seeing the same doctor. If you're new in town and don't really know anyone to ask for personal recommendations, you can call local hospitals, Planned Parenthood clinics, the health center at your college, etc., and ask for recommendations.
A lot of women are very uncomfortable with the idea of having a male physician examining their genitalia; you may be more at ease with the idea of seeing a female physician. Keep in mind that the doctor's gender shouldn't make any difference, as they've had the same training and are obligated to observe the same rules when seeing patients, but if you simply can't fathom the idea of being examined so personally by a male, choose a female. You should also keep in mind that during the exam, regardless of whether you're seeing a male or female physician, you have the right to request that a female (nurse, friend, parent, etc.) be present.
Once you've chosen the doctor and made your appointment, you'll need to prepare for the visit. Basically, there are just a few things you shouldn't do: Don't have sex, or douche, or use any type of vaginal products for at least 24 hours prior to your exam. (You really should never douche, but that's a whole different topic!)
When you arrive at the doctor's office, you'll be presented with forms to fill out; these will ask for your personal and family health histories, and may ask what brings you there (i.e., are you having a specific problem?), whether you're sexually active, etc. A nurse will call you in and will take your vital signs (weight, height, blood pressure, pulse, temperature), and may ask you for a urine specimen. (Even if they don't ask for a urine specimen, be sure you empty your bladder prior to the pelvic exam. This will definitely make it more comfortable!)
S/he will probably ask you some basic questions about your health and why you're there. At this point s/he may take you to a consultation room or office, or she may leave you in the exam room. If s/he instructs you to remove your clothes and put a gown on, but you'd prefer to meet your doctor while you're fully clothed, let her/him know. (You can ask about their procedure for new patients when you call in to make your appointment. If they're unwilling to respect your choice to see the doctor for the first time while you're wearing your clothes, find another doctor.)
Finally, the doctor will join you. Be prepared for some general chit-chat and basic "getting to know each other" conversation. If you have any questions or concerns, this is a good time to bring them up. Once you're being examined it's easy to forget things you wanted to say. It's a good idea to bring a written list of things you want to ask, so that even if nerves take over you'll still recall everything you wanted to say.
Your doctor will leave the room (if you're already in an exam room) or will escort you to an exam room, and will give you a gown to put on and a sheet to cover up with. While you're waiting for her/him to return, try to relax by doing some slow, deep breathing.
Once the exam begins you should be thoroughly checked from head to toe, even though this is a gynecological visit. The doctor should check your eyes, ears, nose, and throat, then move down to feeling the glands in your neck, listening to your heart and lungs, and checking your reflexes. S/he may take your blood pressure again, as well.
The breast exam will come next. If you're not currently performing breast self-exams, let your doctor know so that s/he can teach you the correct way to do it, as well as the best time of the month.Last, but definitely not least, comes the pelvic exam. You'll be asked to slide your bottom all the way to the end of the exam table; this can feel quite disorienting if it's your first time, because you'll swear you're going to fall off. But you won't! Your feet will be placed in stirrups (some exam tables have leg holders instead of stirrups) and you can help by letting your legs fall open. Don't tense up or try to keep your legs together; just let them fall naturally apart. This is probably when you're going to feel most embarrassed and vulnerable, but just remember that the doctor has done this hundreds, if not thousands, of times and while it's new to you, it's not new to them. For them, it's just part of a day's work.
The exam will begin with the doctor visually examining your external genitalia; they're looking for abnormalities such as cysts and they're also noting the size and condition of your clitoris and your labia minora and majora. The doctor must separate the labia in order to see the vaginal introitus (opening) and the urethral opening.
Your doctor may proceed by inserting a finger into your vagina in order to determine the speculum size best suited to you, and also to check to see if your hymen is intact. Or they may proceed by inserting the speculum. Either way, it's very important that you keep your abdominal and pelvic muscles relaxed now, as tensing them up will make the exam difficult for the doctor and uncomfortable or painful for you. Once again, taking slow, deep breaths can help you relax.
If at any point during the internal exam you're experiencing pain or discomfort, let the doctor know. But keep in mind that since this is a new experience for you, it's possible that it simply feels odd and unusual, but isn't actually painful. The speculum is inserted while it's closed; only after it's correctly positioned inside your vagina will its blades be opened; this should not hurt. The doctor will direct a very bright lamp at your vagina so that s/he can see what's going on in there; this may feel warm, but don't let it startle you. They're looking for a number of things, including the size, condition, and placement of the cervix (the opening of the uterus), any lesions/sores/cysts on the vaginal walls, and any discharge or bleeding. The last step of the speculum exam is the Pap test (teste Papanicolau), in which the doctor will take scrapings from the cervix and the vagina. Again, this may feel strange, but it should not be painful. Above is a diagram of a speculum exam.
Once the speculum has been withdrawn, the doctor will move on to the manual portion of the exam, in which they'll insert gloved, lubricated fingers into your vagina. Depending on various factors the doctor may insert a single finger or two fingers. While their fingers are in the vagina, they'll use their other hand to press on your abdomen in order to feel your internal organs, including the ovaries and uterus. This may be a little uncomfortable but shouldn't hurt. Above is also a diagram of a bimanual exam.
Finally should come the rectal and/or rectovaginal exam. In the former, the doctor places one finger in the rectum, while in the latter they insert their index finger into the vagina and their middle finger into the rectum. This is a very important part of the pelvic exam as it allows the doctor to check the rectum for abnormalities such as hemorrhoids, fissures, and signs of cancer, allows them to have a better feel of certain organs, and is the best way for them to check the wall between the vagina and rectum. No pelvic exam is complete without a rectal exam, so if your doctor doesn't automatically include it be sure to request it.
You'll now have another opportunity to discuss things with the doctor before they leave the room. If you're going on birth control be sure to discuss all of the options available to you, including when you should come back for a followup visit. If there's anything you forgot to ask, you can do it now.
Most Pap smears are normal, and chances are you'll receive a lab report in the mail informing you that yours was, too. In the event that any abnormalities were found, or if the results were inconclusive, you'll hear from the doctor's office and be asked to come in to be retested. Don't let this alarm you as there are many reasons a Pap test may initially appear abnormal, yet everything turns out fine when you're retested. Of course if something abnormal really is found, you and your doctor will discuss a plan of action.
Well, that's it! You've made it through your first visit to the gynecologist and you're well on your way to taking charge of your own healthcare and well being.
(NOTE: No two doctors perform exams in exactly the same manner, so your exam may proceed differently from what I've described. However, even if things are done in a different order, all of what I've described should be done during the course of the exam. If your doctor skips anything, don't feel strange about asking them to do it. Believe me, they will not think you're weird for asking!)"
5:04 PM
Yes, cruelty isn’t bluntly shown in this movie, much of the atrocities are cut from the viewers’ sight, but we all know what happened… People crying to be shoot by the blue helmets because a bullet was less frightening then being brutally decapitated, most of the times after suffering countless humiliations and after the blue helmets leave, the militias come armed with sticks and swords…
In the end you know it had a ill begging, yes white are to blame, but what happened on that April month of 1994 was mainly due to corruption and greed for power, for all the wealth power delivers, from the government and the military who where supposed to protect the innocents and so many innocents perished, 800.000 people died because of ambition, power and manipulation of ignorance…
I think when people realize what has happened just 2 years ago in Sudan, they will have to agree with me, how is it possible that time after time, every time a genocide is committed it was allowed with the silence of the world, of our leaders, who should also be on a stand being convicted of complicity, because they knew and they didn’t care, people are numbers not human beings, nor lives and nor all potential that is lost… It’s disgusting to hear them saying “Never again!!!”, knowing again will happen once again and again…
Human beings are human beings, their lives are impossible to value, not all the petrol, diamonds, gold, power, money in the world are as precious as the life of a human being…
In the end I think this movie leaves a lot untold, but then Africa is too complex to explain and as much as we had and have much to be blamed of, we cannot close our eyes to the blames of certain people who rule it with corruption, greed, inhuman cruelty and we should never again allow a Sudan, Somalia or Rwanda… Perhaps it’s time for us to stop being manipulated to develop a blind, stupid hatred towards America (as much as we should still put it on a stand when they are guilty) and begin to see why they are trying to cover our eyes, because I have seen plenty manifestations against USA but I’ve not seen one against Sudan’s government when they began committing genocide against a part of their own people, their own “brothers”…
5:07 PM