Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Even dead he still manages to make victims...

If you click the title you will be able to read an article about Pinochet and Chile.

As much as I wanted sometimes it's impossible not to speak, my blood boiled when I heard that this monster was buried with military honours! If I was the victims and their heirs I would also be outraged, he was buried as a hero when he was responsible for the death of hundreds, the torture and destruction of thousands of lives!

Then seeing I don’t know how many bishops making the funeral to a man who deserves to rot in hell, who never regretted the crimes he committed! How can a church defend a burial of a monster and refuse to accept gay marriages, the use of contraceptives, baptize children from divorced couples, marry divorced couples and so much other nonsense but accept that who has committed hideous crimes may be buried as a good catholic… How can they possibly try to convince to lay a foot at mass with so much hypocrisy?

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