Saturday, September 17, 2005

CGD and Job Hunting

This week I've been to two stages of a recruitment process for a Project called INOV Contact, I’ve passed both and next Tuesday in the afternoon I’ll have the last two stages: group dynamic (as they call it here in Portugal) and an individual interview. As usual it will be then that I’ll have failed and I cannot say it would be that horrible... Deep inside I know I’ll have to end up going out of the country, because with so much incompetence from our government I fear that in no time, most of the companies in this country will go bankrupt and I’ll need to eat and keep on working in CGD will be my suicide...

But just the idea of staying apart for months or even years from those that I love destroys me, if only I could take them with me... Your home is not really a home if you don’t have those that you love close by. Life is so short, if you don’t grab the opportunity to live it with those that really matter what is it worth it? Living to work is no live at all, loving is the only thing that makes it worth while...

Oh, well, let’s see. We are already in the middle of the month and P&G still hasn’t contacted me and as much as I can dream about it, I’ll never make it. From what I’ve heard from other years, they choose 10 finalists who are all reunited during a weekend doing real-life projects and then they choose one. I don’t have an aggressive personality so I don’t have a chance...

In CGD, I was yesterday called, at 11 AM, to do training at 3 PM in Lisbon in a place I didn’t know (yeah they like to give a really short notice, as nobody told me I was going to do training until yesterday in the middle of the morning). So there I go, after lunch, to the training location, to find out I was the only one who didn’t know about this project until that morning and I was one of the few that didn’t even have training last Wednesday (we where last resorts it seems, as we weren’t even from that regional direction). So the project is being in Universities’ campuses in the first week of school, to “sell” (give) debit cards to new students. All Universities have mandatory identification cards, which the banks take advantage of to make those cards also debit cards and get like this about 40 or 50 thousand new clients in just one week and of course, students with a high future potential.

As I’m a last minute resort it means that next week I’ll change of branch, for a week, and go to Alvalade (which is already within Lisbon and hopefully with a better type of clients) and stay there at hand and be called to which ever stand (created in each campus to “sell” the cards) that has already a queue waiting. Basically I will be running from campus to campus as a mad chicken ;) But it will be great to deal with youngsters and students instead of old people and angry people always moaning and calling us incompetent (yes we are the worse managed bank in Portugal, we are understaffed at the branches and most of the clients are unprofitable)...

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