11th of September
I can still remember the horror that strike me when I saw the second airplane and many images of that day and of all the other uncountable fatidic days of horror afterwards. Suddenly the world became smaller, it wasn’t no longer only something that would hit the poor and political unstable countries, it hit close to us, to our loved ones, nowadays we live in an environment where we feel unsafe and insecure, although we try to keep our heads high to show all the monsters that they shall not destroy us, that we are strong and we refuse to live in fear without reacting…
It seems a whole life as passed since then, many actions where took, much more words we spoken, some right, some wrong, but we keep on dreaming because as a late Mozambique journalist once said “I haven’t last my faith in Humanity, but I no longer believe in Men.” It seems Men have lost all their faith in Humanity, they are trying as hard as they can to destroy it in name of money, power and using all the means they have in their hands: ignorance and manipulation through religion, discrimination and nationalism…
I fear that everyday that passes we are closer to the end of the world, as long as we keep on destroying our world through hate, fanatics and extremism, in search of control, power and money… as long as we keep on forgetting love, compassion and solidarity…
As if it where not enough to destroy Humanity we are also continually trying to destroy our Mother Nature, planet Earth, our only and precious house…
I’ve met an Indian who lived most of his life in USA and NY, he once told us that USA brought this to them, as much as I respect his opinion, because he lived the horror and who better can say what he thinks of the 11th of September, I think there can’t be anything a country does that justifies killing innocent people. Yes
I agree with my NY friend, we need to promote the education of the poor, we need to eradicate hunger and poverty in the world, if only we could accept that that would mean we would have to have less (materialism) but earn so much more in love, loyalty, fraternity…
I’m a dreamer in a world far from a dream, most of the times I’ve to be cynical and down to earth, otherwise all the disappointments Men have brought me would have destroyed me a long time a go… I’m a dreamer and a pacifist who believes that most of the time one cannot dream and dialogue as that always means supporting monsters that kill, destroy, control poor innocent people and who through fear are now trying to control us… If only we could all rise and fight for a better world, to march all together against corruption, manipulation and extremism, without shedding not even one little drop of blood, but that is an utopia, there will always be monsters, inhuman who will only allow this when they are killed…
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