Thursday, July 07, 2005

Once again al-Qaeda...

"They are trying to use the slaughter of innocent people to cow us, to frighten us out of doing the things that we want to do"
Tony Blair

Unfortunately, al-Qaeda has strike again, once again my heart aches because the world isn’t able to destroy those that have destroyed so many lives and left behind so much pain! As much as I try I can’t understand why? Why kill innocent people? Why?

We and when I say We I mean all of us and not only the heads of all the governments in the world, must do something to destroy this monster… We cannot keep on feeding feelings of hatred and racism; we cannot keep on repelling those that have as their only wish to give a better quality of life of their families!

We must end with this stupid contradiction of wanting to end poverty in the world and at the same time wanting to have all foreigners expelled from our country or that, for example, our agriculture keeps on being protected from international products (harming millions of Africans and other people in developing countries)!

At the same time we cannot expect total forgiveness of the developing countries’ debt, because many, if not most of the African countries, have corrupt rulers who have used the money, with which they indebted their country, to enrich themselves, starving their population, killing them with AIDS (as none of that money was used to disseminate and protect their population) and by arming militias that protect them by killing innocent people in a very barbaric manner…

I want a better world to raise my children, I can’t understand evil, I can’t understand how a human being can be evil! Just the thought of harming another human being makes me highly nauseous… Sometimes I think that the method used in the Electrical Orange (at least that is the literal translation of the book’s name in Portuguese) would be the perfect solution, because maybe sometimes some people don’t deserve to have the freedom of will, if their nature is so evil, they don’t deserve to choose whether or not to kill and harm innocent people…

One thing I’m sure of nobody deserves what happened, no matter what your governments do, we are not our government and even if our government takes the course of goodness and justice, it will be worthless if the people, those that have elected those governments, don’t change their own minds, opinions and beliefs. We have the power to change the world, we have the power of our number and if we unite our governments will have to satisfy our demands for a better world, a world were I won’t have to live in fear of not seeing, once again, the face and the smile of those that I love most!

And for those who have never understood why I defend Blair and Bush sometimes, I once again say it’s who I’m, always trying to be fair, always trying to understand both sides and never be an extremist! Today, I’ll criticize Bush, because I have always loathed him although I think he took some good decisions. It was highly disgusting to see Bush speaking of freedom and fighting for human rights when everybody knows what USA has done at Guatanamo!

Yes, terrorist don’t deserve mercy when they can’t show any mercy for the loved ones we have lost, but one of the cores of our society, of our beliefs is that everybody is innocent until proven guilty, sometimes the proofs are there, unmistakably in front of our eyes, but when those proofs have been hidden and we must investigate to find them if they exist, we should not treat the suspect as a terrorist, we should respected human rights because maybe we are facing an innocent, not a guilty. Fighting terrorism doesn’t justify everything, even if it’s al-Qaeda.

For Londoners here goes my wish of strength and hope, specially for those who have lost loved ones, we must show our strength so al-Qaeda doesn’t win, we can’t succumb to their attempt of making us live with a permanent feeling of fear and terror, we must show them that we’re stronger than them! I know it’s so much easier when I live in a “corner of heaven” and I’ve lost none of my loved ones, but for me fighting for freedom and a better world for our children is worth it all…

It's kind of ironic that now that Blair and Bush were proposing to forgive the debt of the least corrupt developing countries, this happens, not even when they are doing something right al-Qaeda stops, what moral does it have to demand what it demands?

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