Finally the day came!
Although hardly only a few people appeared (shame on the people who say they are Paulo’s friends, because they proved just how much he means to them and it’s revolting after witnessing how much he supported and gave himself to those supposed friends), it was a magical night, at least for me!
Seeing him doing his DJ set with that little sparkle in his eyes and that certain smile in his lips is was well worth it! The music was extraordinary, but after all one of my dreams is opening a bar and having him as the resident DJ, finally I would start to enjoy music, in my favorite bar, with my favorite DJ playing! He has always had a fantastic taste in music and I know no other with so much passion for music and so much knowledge about it!
In that aspect he has always been my master, even if sometimes he doesn’t introduce me to some bands/music but we find out that a certain song we heard and enjoyed is enjoyed by both of us! Some people think I follow he’s tastes blindly, as if it was impossible that two friends could enjoy the same music, be moved by the same tune! The ones who criticize are the ones that don’t know the power of a great guitar players or songwriter or musician, they have never felt tears dropping of pure happiness or sadness when you hear some songs or how amazing is seeing some of your favorite bands playing for you, right in front of you and totally devoted to the music/performance that so much moves all the nerves of our body and ultimately, if they are really good our heart and passion…
It’s a passion we share, although his passion his much bigger and he at least tries to play a guitar (everyday better and better)! So it was a magical night listening to the music he choose, seeing him changing the CD’s and above all seeing him fulfilling a long time dream!
The night was only ruined by the lack of so called friends, although I know that those that showed up were much appreciated, but I’m still revolted that long time so called friends didn’t appear… And of course the other guy who was sharing the DJ set also ruined completely the show as he got drunk and didn’t give a dam to those that were watching their performance or even to the owner of the bar were they played!
Congratulations anyway, I hope you weren’t disappointed, I know I wasn’t!