After some weeks of anxiety because I couldn’t find a job, I got an internship at a small company in a small/big city (depends of where you are from, as it seems that in Poland my home town is big), in the centre of Portugal, called Caldas da Rainha.
Unfortunately I’ve found out that the job doesn’t correspond to what they made me believe it would be! It’s plain boring and I’m really eager to change jobs… But as things aren’t easy, I’ll have to stick to it as a paycheck in the end of the month is much better than none at all!
Now my problem is how to go to job interviews with no justification to bank work…
I’m really missing all the stress I had at University, with all the load of paper works and deadlines, at least I found out I can’t live the dream of may people: have a job, but not work ;)
I haven’t heard of some of you concerning your new jobs, but at least Germany and USA are to be congratulated and I really hope it’s their dream job!