Monday, April 03, 2006

5000 euros...

250 albums!!! Kind of a harsh fine when the reason so many people does it is that each costs 20, no matter if they were released 1, 2 , 3 or 10 years ago… My wish list is above those 250 and I would love to have 5000 to waist like that, unfortunately my eyesight operation will cost about that much and I earn just a little bit more than 2 minimum wages (and I’m one of the luck ones who earns that much in this country). The solution is not buying mp3 through the net, call me romantic but I still love the fact of unwrapping an album, watch its’ cover, its’ graphic work, as well as all the graphics on the CD cover, there is something magic about it and the magic is greater when you handle a vinyl…

In the end all this is only because the discographies and the huge disco shops are seeing their profit cut, because nobody can tell me that from every 20 euros you pay for each album, most of it goes to the bands, most of them are explored and I really hope that they get to be able to live from what they make on concerts, because the future of profits for musicians rely on the concerts they make, which isn’t such a bad thing as most of them must earn more on the road then thorough sales of their albums… All these years I’ve always preferred to save money to go to concerts than to buy albums, after all when one’s short of money, one has to make some choices and for me the experience lived in a concert is something more unique, sometimes a lifetime experience… Perhaps one of these days I can have my collection of original CD’s, but unless the CD’s prices lower and at the rate albums are released it seems I’ll always be lacking something and will continue not to ear other music than the singles that are played on the radio, and due to my tastes, that means listening to radio from 21 to 00 or 23 to 01 on Sundays, which sometimes is impossible…

By the way do you want more incentive to download TV series than the second season of Desperate Housewives at midnight every Tuesday? How can a TV station waste so much money on a TV series to show it at those hours? It seems I’ll will have to battle with my VSR and see if I can put it once again recording (I wonder if taping a TV programme in VHS is also piracy and violation of copyright?)

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