Monday, July 21, 2008

My Vice For So Many Years

Makes you wish buying the collector's box and watch all the 9 seasons as a countdown for the movie. Many questions were left unanswered; I know many will keep unanswered and satisfaction will never be attained. True to the show life will be always a search for the truth and with new findings new questions are raised, quite philosophical as no human being can ever comprehend or attain all the knowledge and all the truth, starting with the simple fact that each human being understands truth in their own unique way…

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Neil Young @Alive2008

The night's sublime point:

Also :


Bob Dylan @Alive2008 - Lisbon, Portugal

This song never stops to make sense, everyday more:

I ain't lookin' to compete with you,
Beat or cheat or mistreat you,
Simplify you, classify you,
Deny, defy or crucify you.
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

No, and I ain't lookin' to fight with you,
Frighten you or uptighten you,
Drag you down or drain you down,
Chain you down or bring you down.
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

I don't want to straight-face you,
Race or chase you, track or trace you,
Or disgrace you or displace you,
Or define you or confine you.
All I really want to do
Is, baby, be friends with you.

But he never sang it, but he sang this one with an amazing smile during the song to the public, a smile I won't forget that easily, the great Bob Dylan smiling to us simple mortals ;):

It was a concert to remember and tell about to your grandchildren, it may not be Bob Dylan of the 60's (quite impossible as we are in 2008) but still amazing at the keybords and harmonic, with such lyrics and songs!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Ugly Truth

I know fuel prices are the main indirect driving force (if they weren't so sky high there wouldn't be many people investing in biofuels as they are not cheap to produce) and don't misunderstand me I'm a Greeny but starving people so we can drive our cars and still think we are doing wonders to the world is being a hypocrite. Yes let's save the environment but not at the cost of human lives.

The devilish side of biofuels is that even if they are from non feeding products (that is their are not consumed by human beings) they still land from the products that actually feed and with raising cost of petrol and therefore transportation, as well as a mad frenzy for energy has driven prices of energy in all it's forms. This made biofuels' production actually worthwhile and I can assure you that the vast majority of its investors aren’t investing only on the kindness of their heart; they are doing it for the profit with the bonus of a status quo that they actually care about the planet not their pockets. Another small detail biofuel defenders forget is how much land is necessary to produce the energy needed to produce biofuel for us to drive our cars, let’s just say there isn’t enough land for that.

In my opinion, we should be investing in other renewable energies and invest in a solution using those for our cars, be it solar or eolic, hydrogen, etc. That’s were the future lays, not in short term solutions as biofuels that may reduce a little bit of our dependence of petrol, but at the cost of human lives? That is unacceptable.