Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Some posts stolen, but when they are good ;)

Thanks for the jewels:


For those of you who have never used YouTube or have a slow connection just leave the whole clip play once with all its bumps and then see the whole clip from the start this time without bumps...

Yet another...


Here goes the reedition of the lyrics and now you can see just way it's a fantastic song!

"Life is tough and love is rough

For the man who just can’t ever seem to get enough
The days go by and the women come and go
So many that you decide to get rid of your front door
So you don’t have to hear them all disappear

You just sit and you wait
Staring at your empty plate
And you can say I’m a lonely sailor
Rockin’ gently on my dreams
‘Cause I can have it all, but I don’t want it all
And it ain’t like I’ve never ever ever tried
I've just never been fully satisfied

But just a tie a little shoelace
And to share a sleeping bag
And I look ahead to the days
When I can look back at all the fun that I’ve had
But still, but still, but still..

I see so many little boys I wanna marry
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have
Even when the moon goes out
Even when the sea dried out
I still see so many little boys I wanna marry
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have now
Even when the sea’s all freeze
And everything’s lying underneath
Even when the sun ceases to shine
I won’t care, I’ll still have on my mind
So many little boys I wanna marry yeah yeah
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have

And in the shower I get my dreaming done
I hold my breath and I wait for the day to come
Oh little Billy, little Timmy, little Jimmy, you’re the one
I may not look it, but I swear my heart is young for so many..
Little boys I wanna marry
I see plenty little kids I’ve yet to have you know you know

I've got many little boys I wanna marry, yeah you know
I've got many little kids I've yet to have
Oh oh, Yeah yeah
Little boys I wanna marry, yeah you know
I've got plenty little kids I've yet to have now, yeah you know
I've got so many, so many little boys I wanna marry now, marry now
So many..."

Monday, June 19, 2006

Two other movies to check

All the Invisible Children


A good example of what Hollywood can achieve if it wants, as hard as it may be to watch I think people have become to numb and are really needing a reality check, at least to see if all the violence and evil they are bombed with daily hasn't taken their humanity and maybe try to do something to help...

The Devil and Daniel Johnston


He had times where he was more lucid than any of us, when you listen to his music or read his lyrics you can almost feel and taste life and love in it's true essence or at least the way I believe their true essence is/should be...

You know what's going to be my next movie...

" Depp, 43, is almost pathologically unpredictable. He can be bizarre, hilarious, unsettling—even annoying. But he is never the same. He's the anti-Tom Cruise."

"Time slows down when you're with Johnny Depp. He seems like a man who has never rushed to, or from, anywhere in his life. He is chronically late for interviews—sometimes four or five hours, sometimes days—but this time around just a gentlemanly 50 minutes. And once he's with you, he never seems in a hurry to leave. His voice is a soft, low mumble. His body is in almost constant motion—rolling those cigarettes, rubbing an elbow, reaching for a glass—but the rhythm is tranquil and fluid, like a cat licking its paw." (How I would love to be that paw...) "He's a calm, almost hypnotic presence. "He's always been true to who he is," says director Tim Burton, who has made five films with Depp, including last year's "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." "He's never been ruled by money, or by what people think he should or shouldn't do. Maybe it's just in America, but it seems that if you're passionate about something, it freaks people out. You're considered bizarre or eccentric. To me, it just means you know who you are."

You can read the rest if you click on the title...

It's weird how the last time 2 times I went to the movies it was to see Charlie's Chocolate Factory and the Corpse Bride and now definetly Pirates 2... Do you see anything in common? Besides being masterpices? One clue it's not Orlando "Unsalty" Bloom nor Pirates's Director ;) Ever since Edward Scissorhands...

Monday, June 12, 2006

True Love Waits

A good friend of mine meantioned this music when I told her that there has been many fans posting in Paredes de Coura festival's forum requesting Radiohead's presence at the festival as they are on tour about that time in Europe. So here goes a great song, with fantastic lyrics... Love can achive all, forgive all, pardon all and even betray oneself's beliefs...

I'll drown my beliefs
To have your babies
I'll dress like your niece
And wash your swollen feet

Just don't leave
Don't leave

I'm not living
I'm just killing time
Your tiny hands
Your crazy kitten smile

Just, don't leave
Don't leave

And true love waits
In haunted attics
And true love lives
On lollipops and crisps

Just don't leave, don't leave..
Don't leave.. don't leave

Sunday, June 11, 2006

SBSR - 07/06/2006

Another great night, Franz Ferdinand are getting better and better live, and it was good to see finally The Legendary Tiger Man and Linda Martini, although there were some sound problems and too little time for the 2 Portuguese bands... But that is something I want to write in Portuguese, perhaps it will reach Mr. Covões. Anyway, I highly recommend FF and Tiger Man, as Linda Martini I still haven't heard their album and 20 minutes hardly show what a band is capable of. The night was fantastic, I finally heard "this town is out of control, burn this city!" live and Alex was just amazing on stage.

Linda Martini were ok and Legendary had some sound problems on his first 2 songs but as I was right in front, no problem, the only pity was that it was sooooooo short and he smashed a perfectly good electric guitar, I still think he aimed it to the public but he didn't throw it with enough strenght, otherwise it doesnt make sense why throw a guitar with so little strenght if he intended to smash it in rock n' roll style he would have done it with more strenght and I imagine that he would have done it after a great solo riff and against the stage floor... Anyway lots of people were offended by his attitude as they thought it was his way to say hell to the organization and even hell to his fans, I can only say they don't know Paulo Furtado, not the true person but his stage personalities, they haven't seen has much Wraygunn concerts has I have ;)

So here goes the Portuguese part...

Já tenho ido a muitos Super Bock Super Rocks, desde os primeiros quando ainda se faziam em várias salas, vários dias e sobretudo no Coliseu, fui ao primeiro SBSR no Parque Tejo e foi aí que se começou com esta ideia de ter as bandas portuguesas nos intervalos do palco principal. O principio até é bom, apesar de que se o pessoal curtir a maioria das bandas do palco dos portugueses e do palco principal, mal tem tempo de descansar e fica arrasado para a última banda. Contudo o ano passado e este, as coisas correram mal em termos de organização, na minha opinião, sobretudo este ano.

A música portuguesa está a obter cada vez mais destaque e por muito estranho que possa parecer à Música no Coração há pessoas que escolhem ir a um festival tanto por algumas bandas do palco principal como por algumas bandas do palco dos portugueses e 20 minutos é uma indecência, maior ainda quando há atrasos no palco principal e o palco dos portugueses é que fica prejudicado ainda por cima porque em cada intervalo temos que aturar 10 minutos de anúncios. Eu tenho uma licenciatura em Gestão, eu sei que sem os patrocínios e o marketing todo à volta dos festivais era impossível trazer algumas das bandas que vem.

Mas para mim a solução passava por fazer o SBSR aos fins de semana e mesmo que os portugueses não pudessem tocar 2 horas pelo menos dar-lhes 1 hora, uma hora e meia, pelo menos as 2 últimas bandas do palco dos portugueses e como o festival era aos fins de semana, deixava de haver o problema do pessoal estar à trabalhar, na escola ou na faculdade e deixava igualmente de haver problemas com a hora a que o festival acabasse, os Franz Ferdinand podiam tocar perfeitamente às 2, 2h30 da manhã.

Espero que os assobios antes de Legendary Tiger Man tenham feito soar umas réstias de inteligência na organização do festival e que vejam finalmente que o pessoal não olha para as bandas portuguesas como uma mera passagem de tempo, uma distracçãozinha antes da próxima banda, mas que há bandas portuguesas de excelente qualidade e que também tem público que se sente defraudado com a atitude da organização, sobretudo quando os Keane que nem eram cabeça de cartaz se alongaram demasiado na sua performance, quem são eles a mais do que algumas das nossas bandas? É tempo de começarem a respeitar o trabalho de algumas das nossas bandas e já agora do público que paga o bilhete, porque como qualquer aluno de gestão/economia sabe o mais importante é satisfazer as necessidades do clientes porque senão se as satisfazer e pior ainda desrespeita-los não se obtém lucros, acaba-se por perder os clientes no longo prazo e coloca-se em risco a própria sobrevivência da empresa...