Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Something to think about

The other day I saw a Portuguese blog criticizing people who are against the use of animals skins to do clothes. In the same post it also talked about abortion, as we are most probably having a referendum on whether we agree or not with the decriminalization of abortion until 10 weeks of pregnancy (although the law that the government wants to approve also legalizes abortion until 16 weeks of pregnancy in case of bad formation of the fetus, the life of the baby or of the mother is in danger or if the women states she has economic difficulties – that is, the government is trying to throw sand at our eyes, because 10 weeks are not 4 months).

Anyway my mind made a connection between the two topics. I know a girl who was asked by a university colleague to sign a petition to legalize abortion in Portugal. When she refused to do so as she is against the measure, the other girl started to offend her saying stuff such as “it is because of conservative/old-fashioned/ignorant people such as you that this country is like this. People who think the place of a women is behind a stove, at home, taking care of children, and so on…”

Never mind freedom of speech (this Monday Portugal celebrated 31 years of freedom from a dictatorship) as everybody is entitled to their own opinion and if a person does not agree with the legalization why should she be forced do sign a petition in favor of it.

The fact that I find amusing is that this girl that was trying to force somebody to sign a petition through social and psychological coercion is the type of person that will defend vehemently against the use of fur in clothes. For me this is a person with highly conflicting opinions (or better saying a person who is manipulated to think certain things because those that surround her think like that and she needs social acceptance) or she regards the life of animals as being infinitely more important than the life of human beings.

I have read that some psychologists have done research to find out at what age a fetus starts having feelings. They have found out that with only 7 weeks the child starts to have feelings in the womb of his/her mother. So I can’t agree with the legalization of a practice that will allow people to kill human beings, because for me a human being is one who has feelings. And I can’t agree with such a practice in a country where the pill is available for free in hospitals (and even if it where not what are 2,5 euros or even 5 euros – without prescription - per month), where the second day pill is available in any pharmacy with or without a medical prescription and where the law already allows abortion in case of rape, bad formation of the fetus or the life of the baby or the mother is in danger (which are for me valid reasons to do an abortion).

I think people should worry more about why so many women abort, they should concentrate in solving the causes of the problem, what is the use of allowing abortion at will? Will that make poor women’s life less miserable? Will that make mothers to be of 12/14 years stop getting pregnant (and most of them have access to information on contraceptives at school and how to avoid an unwished pregnancy)? Will that stop the culture of total irresponsibility of most women who get pregnant (with the exception of the cases the law already contemplates)? Of women/men who have sex unprotected, fully conscious of risking getting pregnant or catching AIDS?

Sometimes it would be useful for some people to hear some conversations between girls, some of them saying without a regret that they forget to take the pill or stop taking the pill and not telling their boyfriends in hope of getting pregnant and nailing the guy.

Well this just to say how can a person defend animals and abortion? I’m totally against the abuse of animals and having them being killed so that “oh! I’m so high society, chic, and so on..,” can use their vision jackets and such… I personally think Canadians who kill every year baby seals who are in extinction (no matter what they say) should be beaten to death just like they do to those poor baby animals. But that doesn’t mean I think animals are more important than people (at least than some people, as Bin Ladens, Kims, Saddams, Mugabes, Darfur’s criminals, and so on deserve to rot in a prison until they die, as death would be too humanitarian for theses monsters), for me harming animals is so revolting, even more when I think that does that do so are just one step of doing the same to a child, just one step… And that is shocking!!!

Killing a child because you were irresponsible isn’t a solution for me, people must be hold responsible for their acts and if they think they have enough age and are responsible/mature enough to have sex than they should just have to handle the consequences.

Just two thoughts to end:

How come women who do illegal abortions defend themselves most of the times with the allegation that they had already lots of children and that they didn’t have sufficient economic conditions to raise another child, but they pay for the abortion about 500 euros (how many pills, second day pills and condoms can you buy with 500 euros?)? This in a country where there are thousands of couples trying to adopt a child and where there are only a few hundreds of children in conditions of being adopted?

Why is it always the right of the women to do what she wants with her body? Doesn’t the father have something to say? Why can’t a man take the responsibility of raising a child by himself, as the woman doesn’t desire such a burden, why can a women just deny fatherhood to one who desires it eagerly, but decide to have the baby on her own as if the baby belonged only to her (as if a human being belongs to someone)?

A human being is not the body of a woman, even if she has to feed it for 9 months, and killing a baby because of irresponsibility and selfishness is totally inhuman!!!

So this is my statement: I don’t agree with the total legalization of abortion and I’m entitled to have my own opinion, just like other people are entitled to theirs and I respect them (as long as it doen's mean violating the liberty of others and doing harm to others). I’m a young adult, with superior education, i.e., educated and cult and I think women should have the same rights and duties as men, which includes the right to choose between having a job or staying at home (if the family can afford it and why not the man staying at home), the right of being respected as a fellow human being and of making her own decisions, but always accepting the consequences of her actions, behaviors and decisions.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Ok, you really must hear this song, only then you can understand the irony of the lyrics and I just love the way Mr. Beck sings “all I need is two white horses” ;) This one is one of those got stuck right a way in my head… You also have obviously, E-Pro, and some other such as Sending a Message to Her or Qué Onda Guero or Black Tambourine

As usual listening to a new Beck album means hearing it closely, just enjoying the music and slowly starting to love what seemed so weird the first time you heard a specific song, but that is what geniuses usually do, they creep bit by bit until they become part of you and that’s when making music and listening to it is worth it ;) And Beck always suprises you with yet a new twist, something so not what you expected, but as soon as you start creating an intimacy and a bond with the songs, as soon as you connect with them (and you always do), you just start to love everything about them and you cannot wait until you see him once again on stage or for his new album!

I wonder what would happen if one just grabbed all of Beck’s songs and then just clicked the reshuffle button, I supposed it would be quite an schizophrenic exercise or else the big picture would just be so perfect, so clear, just has when you use for the first time a pair of contact lenses and the world seems so clear, not that you didn’t already see it as it was but it so much clear and this hits you so strongly as if you were seeing everything for the first time…

Didn’t understand? Listen to Mr. Beck’s lyrics, lots of bits that don’t seem to fit, but oh do they fit ;)

So here goes Farewell Ride

Two white horses in a line carrying me to my burying
ground some need diamonds some need love some need
cards some need luck
some need dollar bills lining their clothes
all I need is all I need is two white horses in a line taking
me for my farewell ride some may say this might be
your last farewell ride
I don't see the face of
kindness I don't hear the
mission bells I don't smell
the morning roses all I see
is all I see is
two white horses in a line
carrying me to my burying ground
some may say this might be
your last farewell ride

P.S.- By the way I also want “two white horses in a line taking me for my farewell ride” ;)

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Um blog a ver...

Tem fotos fabulosas, não sei aonde é que ela vai as buscar mas algumas são de cortar a respiração!

O mundo é tão pequeno, basta ver aonde é que eu encontrei um link para o meu blog favorito ;) Posted by Hello